Tariff system - Arriva Italia - Torino
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Piedmont Rates

Piedmont has identified a five-kilometer pricing system for Local Public Transport in force in the Metropolitan City of Turin, organized in 17 brackets divided by “kilometric bands”, with rate changes every 5 km (for the bands from 0 km to 50 km), every 10 km (for the bands from 50.1 km to 100 km) and every 25 km (for the bands from 100.1 km to 150 km).

For single tickets or for services unrelated to the “Formula integrated system”, travelers must take into consideration the attached fare table.

Find out more about the Arriva Italia Travel Tickets

FORMULA Integrated Tariff System

In the Metropolitan area of Turin, season tickets with the Formula integrated tariff system are envisaged, ie the agreement between the local public transport companies and Trenitalia for the Province of Turin, which covers a large area of the Province of Turin. For single tickets, the five-kilometer rates established by the Piedmont Region will be applied, while the Formula rates will be applied for each type of season ticket.

For more information on the Formula integrated system, visit the ExtraTo website

Find out more about the Integrated Formula Travel Tickets


Passengers are required to:

  • obtain a suitable and valid travel document;
  • validate the travel document;
  • keep the title for the entire duration of the route and until the descent stop;
  • show the travel document upon boarding the driver and the control and verification staff.